aintapretzel: September 2017

Sabtu, 30 September 2017

Beauty Creations Scandalous Glow Review and Swatches Indonesia

Hello there!
Hari ini aku mau share post pertama aku reviewing one of the highlighter yang lagi hits bengets which is Beauty Creations Scandalous Glow.

I got this like two days ago and i just can't stop using this ever since

me when i get new highlighter

also me when i get new highlighter <3

So, gw denger so many good things tentang highlighter ini, termasuk statusnya sebagai dupe A*astas*a yang That Glow Glow kit💥. versi jauh jauh jauh lebih murce hihihi
Here is it, penampakannya...

Beauty Creations Scandalous Glow